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About Our Mission /Iearapostole/

Love is best expressed in person, face to face, hand in hand, arm in arm. We are always looking for those who feel called to a life of ministry in Christ. The Greek word for ministry is Diakonía. That is also a word for service. The word Diákonos (Deacon) means servant. The Orthodox Apostolic Ministry exists to serve. Could it be that Christ is also calling you right now? If He is, please let us know, today! We who have served this blessed Metropolis have all learned through the experience of our service to Him in Mission that when God calls you, you must answer as soon as possible. The door does not remain open indefinitely. If you are not called to come and assist us here, please do your best to assist us from wherever you are. Many hands make light work. We are all members of the same Body of Christ. We pray God’s blessings on you and ask that He make your heart ever open to the needs of those both near and afar. With the blessings of His Eminence Metropolitan Myron of New Zealand and with Love in Christ, The lerapostólie Missionary Team

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